It's purpose is to make buildings in Evanston safer for the many hundreds of thousands of birds that migrate through our city each year. We consult with city planners, developers, building managers, architects and homeowners on ways to build bird-friendly buildings and solve bird hazards.
Bird-friendly Evanston was an essential proponent of the bird friendly ordinance adopted by the Evanston City Council in September, 2022. The ordinance may be found here: Ordinance 83-0-22/ Amending Title 4 of the City Code. "Building Regularions." by Adding Chapter 24 - Bird Friendly Building Design (
As a result of the adoption of the ordinance plus the many other bird conservation activities in Evanston, the city was designated as a Bird City Illinois in 2022, the 6th city in the state to receive that designation.
ENSBC is the financial agent for BFE. To donate to help create educational materials, specify Bird-Friendly on the website.