Jobi Cates, a local birder, photographer and policy advocate, will share photos, stories, and lessons learned from birds as part of her journey with chronic illness.
Until March 2023, Jobi was founder and Executive Director of Restore Justice, a statewide advocacy organization focused on reducing harm caused by long-term incarceration. Her 30-year career—and her bird chasing habit—came to a halt when she was infected with COVID-19 and became what is called a “long-hauler,” suffering from debilitating cognitive dysfunction, fatigue, and nervous system dysregulation.
Jobi discovered that while going back to work was not an option, bird photography could be “paced” using methods learned in speech and physical therapy. While the effort involved in bird photography still poses many challenges, Jobi has learned habits, “hacks” and mental tricks to make bird photography an integral part of her recovery, and she is delighted to have a chance to share them with the local birding community. On Zoom 7:30 pm.
Birding with Chronic Illness or Disability: Resources
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