Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day! Join one of the many events hosted by ENSBC, Evanston Public Library, Ecology Center, and Levy Center:
ENSBC Field Trips--see details on ENSBC website under Field Trip dates of May 7,8,9,10,11
EPL Robert Crown Branch- all week May 6-11th activities with Craft kits, kid's storytime, and "Why Birds Need Bugs" film; see full listing of events at https://evanston.libnet.info/event/10635583
Ecology Center - 9:30 am-11:am Birding by Boat May 11, contact Ecology Center to register at 847.448.8256
Levy Center- 1:30pm-3:30pm Drawing Birds with the Field Museum
This program will be a special treat for artists and would-be artists. Be inspired by looking closely at real bird specimens. John Bates, Field Museum Life Sciences Curator, will tell of each bird’s travel and family experience, and Peggy Macnamara, Artist-in-Residence at the Field, will give you simple tips on how to represent each bird correctly. Art supplies will be provided. All ages are welcome. Children under 18 must come with an adult chaperone. The program is free, but registration is required. To register call the Levy Center at 847.448.8250, and provide program code 11359.