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Tuesday, September 10, 2024


It’s hard to beat Waukegan Beach in September.  Shorebirds are moving through in good numbers and migrant warblers begin to reach their peak.  We will spend the morning birding the beach, swales, and wooded lots of the Waukegan Beach area.  On the beach, we will be targeting

migrant shorebirds, where a good morning could include Baird’s and Semipalmated Sandpipers, Sanderling, and others.  In previous years, more specialties have shown up including Whimbrel and Buff-breasted Sandpiper, so we will be ever-vigilant.  In the swales, we will keep our eyes peeled for early waterfowl and lingering Least Bitterns which breed amongst the reeds.  In the wooded lots and beachfront park, migrant warblers can be abundant on the right day, and we hope to find Blackpoll, Bay-breasted, Blackburnian, Wilson’s and Magnolia Warblers among the 20+ that could be present.  We will be hiking the beach and wooded lots, which will total around 1-2 miles of walking at a birder’s pace. The Leader will have a scope, but if you enjoy carrying your own, you are more than welcome to bring one. Hiking boots or sneakers are both appropriate for this walk,

but please be prepared for walking on sand.  Duration: ~3 hours


Meet at 7:30 a.m. , see pin at

Leader: Adam Sell

Registration is required and space is limited to 12 participants. Register
