Lake Calumet Sewage Ponds

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Don’t miss this opportunity to visit the region’s premier shorebird site. Meet at Sewage Ponds at 7:15 a.m. Directions: From I94, exit at 130th St. Go west about 1/4 mile to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District sign. Turn right on the paved road and proceed to the guard house. Trip ends around 11 a.m. Limit: 20. Sign-up for this trip is required. Registration forms will be available through Libby Hill, 847-475-2096 or Completed forms must be turned in by June 10 for this trip. Forms must be sent by snail mail to 2715 Woodland Rd., Evanston, IL 60201 and must include a copy of a government-issued photo ID.