An increasing number of birders are expanding their interests into other arenas of natural history, particularly entomology. Steven Mlodinow joined ENSBC in 1972 at age 10, and with the club’s help, published Chicago Area Birds in 1984. He also coauthored America's 100 Most Wanted Birds and Birds of Washington (with next month’s speaker Bill Tweit) as well as serving as an editor for North American Birds for over 20 years. His photos have appeared in numerous field guides and have been used by Nature Conservancy, Pronatura, National Audubon, and even the U.S. State Department and NASA, to promote conservation. After a long tenure practicing family medicine in the Seattle area, he continues his work as a doctor in Colorado, where he also spends time observing and photographing nature’s ever-present surprises. Steven will share his journey from backyard birder to naturalist through vivid images and entertaining anecdotes, many of which involve members of the ENSBC, past and present.
Fourth in a series of Special Programs celebrating ENSBC's 100th anniversary year.